Moxley's Mayhem

It's our own little crazy world; where we rule the mayhem that happens every day. We may not be perfect, we may not be rich, we may not even be technically sane, but we have each other and that's all that matters.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

10 fingers, 10 toes, 10 years.....

I waited as long as I could to write this post, mostly for fear of breaking down, and yet I have to do it before the kids get home and see me crying and ask something like, "Mom, what happened? Did you stub your toe?"  No, no, nothing like that; just complete and utter sadness that my oldest is growing up.  Birthday's are like scrapbooks, they remind me of time lost with the cute, chubby little guys that used to drive me crazy.  And yet this year I find myself soaring through a vortex of pride and sadness.
I could not be more proud of Kole (and all my boys) as the years pass.  He is finding his way through life, in a world that isn't always fair, isn't always good, and is often times down right scary - and yet he is teaching me, everyday, every week, every year that life is amazing.  He is teaching me to believe in myself, to love with no regret, and to thank God for every day he has given me.
So thank you Kole, for being such an amazing son :)

Happy Birthday
Love, Mom

My little Kole :) 
Happy Birthday Big Guy!

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